miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009


"Mirar mucho tiempo tus valles",(Long Look at your Valleys)
by Juan Ollero, (Bemfica Sentado)
pics and fashion: Clara Santos

La culpa o es de todos o es de ninguno...

a veces las relaciones nos arrastran...otras veces somos nosotros los que arrastramos de ellas...

"Todo juego incluye la idea de la muerte"
Jim Morrison


Three relationships are the basis for this examination of inherited frustration, intimacy and the inacceptance of imperfection. Words are not essential in understanding emotions, as the characters´ feelings are manifest through physical scores.
The Director wishes to thank Angélica Liddell for her huge generosity, support and confidence in the project.Special thanks to Emilio Romero (Rose Bruford College).

Inspired by Angélica Liddell’s MORDER MUCHO TIEMPO TUS TRENZAS (Long Bite Your Plaits)With extracts from Charles Baudelaire and Heiner MüllerDirected by Juan A. Ollero.

"Perro muerto en tintoreria" Angelica Liddell

"Theatermachine" Henry Müller

"Fleurs du mal" Charles Baudelaire

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